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CEB Projects

Transmission Design & Environment Branch

Activities carried out during the year 2019 are as follows.


The Transmission Design Unit had prepared tender documents for implementation of National Transmission and Distribution Network Development and Efficiency Improvement Project Package I, Package II, Package III, (NT&DND &EIP), Green Power Development and Energy Efficiency Improvement Investment Program Project (GPD&EEIIPP) Tranche 2 and Renewable Energy Absorption Transmission Development Project (REATDP). Further, transmission design unit completed preparation of Tender documents including technical specification for SVC to be installed at Biyagama Grid Substation and installation of Reactors at New Anuradhapura and Mannar Grid Substations. Reviewed Technical specification prepared by Consultants of Colombo Port City Development for the compliance of CEB requirements.


Review of designs included for the following projects, CE&NEIP-P1, P2 & P3, NKBP, GPD&EEIIPP- Tranche 1, UOHPP - Transmission Line, GCT&DLRP, REATDP, HVTP, re-construction of Bolawatta New Chilaw 132kV Transmission Line during the year.


The Environment Unit is the focal point for most of the environmental activities of CEB. The main responsibilities of the Environment Unit include conducting the Environmental Approval Process for development projects of CEB, preparation of Environmental Safeguard documents as per National Environmental Act (NEA) as well as the guidelines of the funding agencies (if applicable), obtaining the relevant environmental approvals, and conducting environmental awareness programs for CEB and its stakeholders.