Please help us by paying your electricity bill as early as possible.
Your payment must be accompanied with the statement (bill), un-detached. Ceylon Electricity Board will not accept any responsibility if the payment is erroneously credited to another account caused by your submission of detached sections of the statement with your payment. This may also result in disconnection of your electricity supply.
Cash Payments
Payment may be made either by cash, cheque or bank draft at the following Point of Sales (POS) counters.
CEB Head office
All Provincial POS counters and KIOSK Machines
Cash payments may be made at the following places.
Peoples bank, Bank of Ceylon, Hatton National bank, Commercial bank, Seylan bank, HSBC bank, Union bank, Rural Development bank, NSB
Island wide post offices and sub post offices.
Cargills Supermarkets
Singer, Abans, outlets
Payments may also be made through this web site, Sampath Net and Peoples Smart Cash.
Cheque Payments
All cheques written in favor of “The General Manager- Ceylon Electricity Board” must be crossed and made payable to Peoples bank O/A Ceylon Electricity Board.
The cheque number should be written on the electricity bill. The electricity account number should be written on the backside of the cheque.
Electricity supply could be disconnected without any notice if a cheque is defaulted and returned. In case of such an event, the total outstanding amount must be paid by cash.
Unsettled Dues
In the event of non-settlement of dues within the period stipulated in the statement (bill), an order for disconnection of your service will be issued. You will be required to pay certain additional charges at the time of reconnection, including a processing charge and an interest on the amounts due.
In accordance with the government gazette notification (Extraordinary) No 1527/25 dated 24.10.2008, a monthly interest of 2% on the account balance will be added if the amounts due are not paid within 30 days.
Any query related to this statement, payment and service connections should be referred to your Area Engineer within 14 days from the date of delivery of the statement (bill).